Monday , February 17 2025

German insults | Funniest and witty German insults

Page Content : German insults | Funniest and witty German insults,funniest insults,witty insults,common german insults,german insult phrases,german curses,german cuss words,german curse words, Funniest insults

Hi everyone. We have collected the best German insults for you. We are hoping that you will like this German insults, funniest insults, witty insults and comebacks. If you really like these German insults, funniest insults, you can share them on the social platform such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Have fun! Thank you.

German insults | Funniest and witty German insults

“Jeder hat das Recht hässlich zu sein, doch Du übertreibst.”

“Everyone has the right to be ugly, but you exaggerate.”

“Deine Geburt war ein riesen Beitrag zur Umweltverschmutzung.”

“Your birth was a huge contribution to environmental pollution.”

German insults

“Ich rede nicht mit Leuten, deren IQ nicht höher ist als die raumtemperatur.”

“I do not talk to people whose IQ is not higher than room temperature.”

“Die Tatsache, dass ich schweige, bedeutet nicht, dass ich nichts zu sagen habe.”

“The fact that I’m silent doesn’t mean I have nothing to say.”

– Jonathan Carroll –

“Wenn du eine Fliege verschluckst, dann hast du mehr Hirn im Bauch als im Kopf!”

“If you swallow a fly, you have more brain in your stomach than in your head!.”

witty German insults

“Du hast uns jetzt lange genug erschreckt! Zieh doch mal die Maske aus!”

“You scared us now long enough! Take your mask off!”

“Ich würde mich ja geistig mit dir duellieren, aber wie ich sehe bist du unbewaffnet.”

“I Would Challenge You To a Battle of Wits, But I See You Are Unarmed.”

– Franz Kafka –

“Wenn Du hinter meinem Rücken redest, bist Du in einer guten Position, mich am Arsch zu lecken!”

“If you’re talking behind my back, you’re in a good position to kiss my ass!.”

funniest german insults

“Willst du dir den Tag versauen, musst du in den Spiegel schauen.”

“If you want to mess up your day, you have to look in the mirror.

“Wenn Dummheit weh tun würde, hättest du den ganzen Tag schmerzen.”

“If stupidity hurt, you would have been hurting all day.”

“Keine Ahnung was dich so dumm macht, aber es funktioniert perfekt.”

“I don’t know what makes you so dumb but it really works.”

“Nach deiner Geburt hat der Arzt dich wohl dreimal hochgeworfen aber nur zweimal aufgefangen!”

“After your birth, the doctor has probably thrown you up three times, but only caught twice!”

german comebacks

“Ich würde Dich nicht mal anpissen wenn Du brennst.”

“I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.”

“Wenn ich du wäre, würd ich lieber ich sein wollen!”

“If I were you, I would rather be me!”

Hope you enjoyed reading these German insults, Funniest  and witty insults  collection. Thank you for reading.

Further Reading:

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64+ German to English Most Beautiful Love Quotes and Phrases

30+ German To English Most Inspiring Albert Einstein Quotes of All Time